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.357 Magnum .44 Magnum 46ers Adirondack Adventure Festival Adirondack guides Adirondack Mountain Club Adirondacks Adirondak Loj ADK air mattress Amazon Ann Patchett Appalachian Trail arachnophobia bacon bears Beaver Brook Outfitters beavers Becoming an Outdoors Woman Betsy Bitner Big Mountain Deli bobsledding BOW BOW Brad Pitt camp fire Camping camping clay pigeons cold Comforts of Home crickets crickettes curling deer Dirty Harry Disney World dock spiders Don Draper Elysian Fields Epic equipment essential edibles Euell Gibbons fear of wildlife field dressing game firearms firearms Fish Tales FishTales: The Guppy Anthology Fly Fishing food food Food & Wine magazine Glock 9mm Gravity Guppies half-gallon challenge High Peaks hiking hiking hippos Howard Johnson's Hudson River hunting ice cream Inside Jon Krakauer L.L. Bean Lac du Saint Sacrement Lake George Lake Placid Lake Placid Lake Placid Club leprechaun Man of La Mancha Mark Trail Martha's Melvil Dewey Minne-Ha-Ha Mount Jo Mt. Van Hoevenberg Mysteries North Creek North River Northville-Placid Trail Orlando otters Outhouse Races Outside Outside magazine pistol Polar Plunge polar vortex port-a potty pot of gold Quentin Tarantino Rachel Ray rainbow Riparius shotgun Silver Bay Simply Gourmet SinC sleeping bags Sleuthfest snowshoeing spiders State of Wonder Summer Fun SUNY Adirondack super soakers survival skills swimming tent Thelma & Louise trapping U.S. Winter Olympic Team unicorn venison white water rafting Whiteface Lodge whitewater rafting wildlife wine Winter Winter Carnival Winter Fun wolves
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What's the Point?

Okay, so we know how I’ll benefit from this endeavor. I’ll gain experience in the great outdoors that will help me write a better book set in the Adirondacks. But you, my dear reader, may well be asking, “What’s in all this for me?” Hopefully you’ll gain a little knowledge, have a few laughs, and vicariously enjoy a sense of adventure. Think of it as a modern-day Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, where you get to sit comfortably at your computer screen – much like Marlin Perkins watching from a safe distance behind some bushes. I, on the other hand, will go out into the wild, ala Jim Fowler, and do all the heavy lifting in an effort to entertain you.

            Well, on second thought…

Entries in Euell Gibbons (1)


Leaf: It's What's For Dinner

I’ve written before about Becoming an Outdoors Woman – the program offered through the New York State DEC that teaches women outdoor skills (see: Fish Tales). As someone who can’t find my way out of a paper bag even when I’m holding a compass that reads “This way out of the paper bag,” I look for any available opportunity to fill the considerable gaps in my knowledge of all things outdoors. So when the program affectionately known as BOW rolled around again, I eagerly jumped in my car and headed off to beautiful Silver Bay on Lake George.

First up on Friday afternoon: a class called Essential Edibles, which promised to teach me about the five essential edibles I’d need to know if I ever became lost in the woods. The five categories are root, stem, bark, flower/berry, and leaf, so you can imagine how my mouth was watering before the class even got started.

This class seemed tailor-made for me because if there’s one thing I hate, it’s being hungry. And since fending off bear can work up quite an appetite, I was anxious to know what I could eat in the woods once my supply of Luna bars ran out. Following a brief introduction, during which we were assured there was enough food outdoors feed us forever, the instructor asked us to go around the room and share with our classmates all the things we already knew we could eat in the wild. Women began rattling off long lists of twiggy and leafy-sounding things that would make only Euell Gibbons drool. When it was my turn, I didn’t have much to share (apparently Hershey Kisses aren’t considered “wild,” even if you find one in the bag that doesn’t have foil on it) so it got pretty quiet in the classroom. Well, there was the sound of crickets chirping (I’m not sure if they’re edible).


Then we went outside to rustle up some grub (Mmmm, grubs – are they edible?). After about 30 minutes of being shown various leaves, grasses, flowers and roots, I came to the realization that “edible” doesn’t necessarily mean things you’d want to eat. It simply means anything that won’t actually kill you. I decided to go out on a limb (get it?) and sample many of these verdant delicacies while I was under the supervision of an expert in the field (get it?).




 What do these things taste like, you ask? Well, you know how when people describe what different meats taste like they always say it tastes like chicken? (rabbit tastes like chicken, frog legs taste like chicken, roadkill tastes like chicken, you get the idea). It’s the same way with green stuff – only instead of tasting like chicken, they all taste like leaves. A maple leaf tastes remarkably like a leaf, plantain tastes like an incredibly bitter leaf. Milkweed – you guessed it – just like a leaf. Ditto for a yellow birch leaf. Some people claimed they had a wintergreen taste, but I swear they were eating TicTacs. Since I hadn’t keeled over yet, all these leaves, while not exactly tasty, did fit the class’s definition of “edible.”



By now I’d worked up a real craving for something that was not green. Since this was a class called Essential Edibles, I knew we’d eventually come around to talking about the most essential edible of all and began searching for a chocolate tree. I didn’t find a tree with chocolate but I did find a lovely pile of Raisinets on the ground.  Someone stopped me before I could see if they were edible, saying they’d been left there by a deer. (I wonder if he knows he has a hole in his backpack?)



Although I learned a lot in this class (I have a new-found respect for weeds) the most important thing I learned is that if you’re planning on hiking into the woods remember to bring along plenty of actual food and be sure to stay within walking distance of a grocery store. When the class ended, it was time to head to the dining hall. I didn’t care what was for dinner, as long as it tasted like chicken.




Don't think of this as a gardening eyesore, think of it as a salad bar.








That's me, on the far right, wondering if I'm standing on my dinner.